Who is this guy?

Hi, nice to meet you – I'm Arfan Roky and A seasoned Frontend Developer specializing in creating elegant and user-centric web interfaces. Dedicated to continuous learning and collaboration, I bring a commitment to innovation and excellence in delivering exceptional digital experiences.

About me

Miicon Solutions Limited
Sep 2023 - Present


As a frontend developer, I thrive on tackling creative challenges that push my skills beyond the ordinary and expand my knowledge. With a strong background in web design and art direction, I've discovered my true passion in leading teams of creatives.

If you're interested in learning more about my work and experiences, feel free to reach out. Let's collaborate on something amazing!

  • React js

  • Typescript

  • Next js

  • Redux

  • Tailwind css

  • Material ui

What I believe in

Without fully committing to anything, you're not going to achieve top results.

O1. Commitment
O2. Focus

In today's attention economy, focusing on one thing at a time is a skill.

O3. Quality

If you're not going to deliver to the best of your ability, then you're just wasting everyone's time.

O4. Dare to be bold

The world is full of average people and businesses – be bold and dare to stand out.

Got a partnership idea, or a project you need help with? Shoot me a line and let's talk.

Let’s talk?